Pattern Curator

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Rose Wylie - Artist

Rose Wylie is a British artist who currently has a show - from November 30, 2017 thru February 11, 2018 - called "Quack Quack" at the Serpentine Sackler Gallery in London.

In the realm of design, the relevance of Rose Wylie's work for the upcoming seasons is the use of color, the deliberate repeated marks that threads through paintings.  There's a naive chaos about her work that is whimsical, yet has an edge.  Her execution of simple motifs & shapes is a perfect source for inspiration for print & pattern reference.  Wylie's work is filled with modern conversational inspiration - for motif ideas or just the loose & expressive renderings.  What's most inspiring is that her work is intrinsically relatable.

To read more about Rose Wylie:

W Magazine

The Guardian

Regina Gallery